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当前位置:家教网首页 > 哈尔滨家教网 > 外语学习 > 牛津词典:我们决定取消最恶心英文单词票选


【来源:易教网 更新时间:2017-12-06

Oxford Dictionaries suspended its #OneWordMap most-hated words project. An update to the blog post describing the feature stated: “We regret to inform users that due to severe misuse we have had to remove this feature from our website.”


It’s possible that the suspension stemmed from the apparent outpouring of anti-Islam sentiment in the submissions to the project. Some Twitter accounts posted screenshots purporting to show that Oxford Dictionaries had barred certain sensitive words, like “Islam,” from submission prior to the decision to take down the project.


However, the nature of the misuse was not specified in the site’s statement, and Oxford Dictionaries had not responded to a request for more details about why the program was halted.


PREVIOUSLY: Do you hate the word “moist”? Well, congratulations: You’re in excellent company. The word — usually applied with varying degrees of ickiness to cake or to bodily orifices — holds a legendary power of repulsion, and a new project by Oxford Dictionaries to compile people’s most hated English-language words is confirming this.


As of this writing, the website counts over 14,000 submissions, broken down by country, and “moist” hovers at or near the top of the list in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada.


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