双语阅读:约翰尼·德普离婚 支付七百万赡养费
【来源:易教网 更新时间:2018-05-10】约翰尼·德普与艾梅柏·希尔德达成离婚协议,艾梅柏·希尔德撤销了对德普家庭暴力的指控,两人正式庭外和解。双方联合发表声明,达成离婚协议,协议里,德普将支付艾梅柏约700万美元的赡养费。
Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, pictured in October 2015, have settled their divorce case. CREDIT: JONATHAN BRADY/PA WIRE
Johnny Depp and Amber Heard have ended their acrimonious divorce battle, reaching a settlement for Heard to receive $7 million and drop her case.
Depp, 53, is estimated by Forbes magazine to be worth $48 million.
The couple, who were married for 15 months, released a joint statement confirming the news.
"Our relationship was intensely passionate and at times volatile, but always bound by love," they said.
"Neither party has made false accusations for financial gains.
"There was never an intent of physical or emotional harm.
"Amber wishes the best for Johnny in the future. Amber will be donating financial proceeds from the divorce to a charity."
She does not specify what percentage, and which charity.
Heard and Depp had met in 2009, while filming The Rum Diaries. But they did not become a couple until 2012, after Depp split from his partner of 14 years, French actress Vanessa Paradis.
2009年,希尔德与德普在《朗姆酒日记》的拍摄过程中相识。直到2012年德普与相伴十四年的法国演员凡妮莎 帕拉迪丝分手后,他们才相恋。